Wisconsin Land Contracts Multi-Family Homes for Sale
On this page you will find Land Contracts, Owner Financing, Contract for Deed, Rent to Own, Seller Financing and Deeds of Contracts for Multi-Family; Duplex, Townhouses, Side-by-Side Houses, Apartment Building, Two Three & Four Flat Housing, Triplex, Quadraplex, Townhomes, Houses, Country Homes and City Housing. These properties are located in the county and are listed by real estate agents.
WI Owner Financing for Duplexes
These properties were selected from IDXWI.com in terms "Land Contract"& "Rent / Option to Buy" for the search criteria. Carefully read through the description for yourself once you are on the main page. Always check all local state / rules, regulations, your attorney and accountant.
Wisconsin Contract for Deed Houses for Sale
Homes for Sale with possible Owner Financing